Sunday 11 April 2021

Well that was a gap .... what next

Missed all of March out basically because there was little blog about boat wise. I've been entertaining myself and wearing my already worn out back a bit more building a pond in the garden of the cottage. I've also been improving the drainage in the yard by digging out and putting in land drains and doing the same above the workshop in the farmers field before the cows reappeared ( they are back grazing now).

That was two and a half tons of clay out into dumpy bags for the grab wagon to take away 

Then the pond excavation ....

When I look at each of those stones I recall how many times they were handled to get them in the right position. Towards the end you get a 'knowledge' of what will look right so move the stones less.  It's all planted up now but I'll wait until its established for the full reveal ( with fish of course) 

In between I drank some of this ....

.... and some of this 

I also rode my bikes .... in the cold!

Did I introduce you to my latest bike ....

This one hopefully will take me to Colditz in 2022 

I did visit Percy on a couple of occasions - I wasn't really allowed to but I could not leave Percy to the elements without a welfare check.

I've also done miles and miles of walking and have just about covered many of the footpath's I had identified on my latest app...

I'll blog about our upcoming trip in a few days .... at least I feel I'm back on the horse so as to speak ! 

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