Friday 14 April 2023

The non crusie alternative - one

Rachel works on an annualized contract so gets lumps of time and one such lump was for a trip on Percy to the Peak Forest during March. As the time approached we were keeping an ever constant watch on the short medium and long term weather forecast.... now it's history you will know the short medium and long range weather forecast for March was rain... and more rain.

Now we have our foul weather qualifications and experience so not keen to be motoring in the wet and miserable weather  - as well as muddy tow paths - boaters you know, non boaters well it's not nice - even with Percy's useable  and versatile back cabin and warm engine room - we still need to install a stove in the back, cruising in the wet isn't our first priority.

So we opted for a visit to the south to Chichester to see our dear next door neighbour from West Ashling who was poorly in hospital. As we would not be visiting her at home at Cottage by the Mill we opted for a Chichester stay and decided to stay in the cathedral complex in the Dean's house  - he having long vacated it. Suffice to say it was a lovely few days, in the complex walking the cloisters at night is an atmospheric thing. We had to lovely meals out, Rachel met up with ex colleagues. We also visited Bosham on the way back and took a walk around the water as we did many times when we lived done there - lovely.

A few photos to tell the story.

Yes you will notice how accurate the weather forecast was ! 

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