Sunday 29 September 2024

Just outside Nantwich to Stanthorn lock Middlewich - wind !!

We cycled the Northumberland coast a few weeks ago and was beset with strong northerly winds into our faces most of the way - a blog to follow no doubt. Today the wind was mean and I as type this my face feels well wind burnt having been out sine 9.30 am. 

We set off spot on 10am with our end stop just before Middlewich as we were expecting another day off tomorrow as there is rain given literally all day !! I was surprised how 'full' Nantwich was especially as it seems they have turned their 48 hour moorings into all year 48 hours. Normally the 48 hour mooring revert to 14 days in the winter  - not ideal for business but I  doubt they are policed. 

We stopped at Nantwich boat yard for diesel and gas and a few other bits. £164 quid later !! A very nice youngish ( they are all young !) fella served us and sorted my gas out and a nice lady in the shop apologised as she took my money - she did ask for the split on the diesel but it was still expensive at £1 for domestic and £1.28 for propulsion iirc. I went 80/20 I can't imagine the tax man checks and surely now we are not in the EU  it should revert ? 

It was 78 litres of diesel to fill up for the record and the hours counter is now on 1093. Last time we filled up was April 2023 on our way back from the Ashby. The engine hours then was 1017. So consumption wise 76 hours for 78 litres delivering a litre an hour running. Interesting (to me) as the last fill up was closer to 2 litres an hour which I put down to the shallow Ashby canal but in all reality it'll be more due to less locks and more cruising speed cruising rather than the locking type we've been doing since the Ashby. 

I chatted to a fella who was on Hunky Dory I think and serial hybrid boat sounded very nice ( and expensive ) I was ok until he told me he was burning his turds ( my description not his) as he had an incinerator toilet ! It smelt like Hamlet cigars !! 

Relieved of my money and topped up we headed off after allowing a fella on his lovely boat to pass  - he was very careful and used his horn more in 2 miles than I have in the last 10 years !! Eventually he winded before Hurleston junction and was pleased to receive my congratulations on a wind well done. We let the day boat over take us as they were on our rear fender.

The Llangollen, maybe spring ....

I twatted the bow on the turn onto the the Middlewich arm as the wind ( honest) fought my turn... 

Then it was racing the impending rain ( we lost) across the 10 miles and 3 locks. It just started to rain as we left Stanthorn lock and we mored up on one ring and pins for the next 36 hours based on the weather forecast for tomorrow of 80% rain all day and 40 mph winds tonight.  As I type this its pinging it down and the wind has not abated. 

The Middlewich branch locks are a lot deeper than the main line ones 

The sun belied the cold wind and pendidng storm 

It chased us and won  - only just 

We had a bit of a moment after I hit the turn ( literally) as it appears we have a weep on the hydraulic motor. There is a metal catch tray that does get a few drips but I've not checked it for what must be over a year and it was holding more than it should so signalled it needed emptying after my bump ! I do need to check the hydraulics and understand them better. I spoke to someone in the hamlet where we live who services JCB's and he told me there are two types of hydraulic oil 32  (older thicker)  and 46 newer thinner. I'll investigate more tomorrow as I  suspect the reservoir needs a top up. If you know about hydraulic motors and pumps happy to receive advice !! 

So we'll set how tomorrow fairs - we have new batteries  - another blog I've brought my Ecoflows search the blog for info on them and half a tank of water and two empty cassettes so no urgency to move  - we'll have a mooch around Middlewich tomorrow if nothing else.

Right lets ride out tonights storm.

Should have noted Rachel made a love tea of proper baked spuds and Frittata   and is experimenting with sourdough loaf !  

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