Friday, 6 November 2020

Narrowboat insurance and finance in general

I received an email the other day from 'Premium Credit' advising Towergate Insurance had let them know we were reinsuring with them and they would be taking payments to a schedule.... now I knew our insurance was due but nothing had come via email or post from Towergate. 

So this AM I set to with coffee as us retired types do and did a comparison check on here  Within 5 minutes I had a quote seventy quid less from the same company - Towergate. On the phone to Towergate who apologised for the over enthusiastic credit company but advised they could not match their own price from the comparison site ? 

So all I could do was tell them I'd set up the policy on the comparison site and then phone to cancel the auto renewal on their site ?? Crazy or what. I fully expect the comparison site to call me in the next few days and say there is an issue .... I'll report back.

As to finance in general with all the 'little' subscriptions you easily forget and they all add up. There was no reason why we need to have our insurance on credit and they were charging about 27 quid for the credit we did not need. It all adds up so every now and again I trawl my bank statements to look out for those little 'missed' subscriptions. 

We also got the mooring renewal which is a heavy cost but not as bad as it could be. It's a good thousand pounds cheaper than a marina mooring and a few hundred cheaper than we were paying C&RT at Fradley. So a breather before the license in January. Then it's the boat safety, blacking and a hull survey for the insurance all October time next year so another expensive year. These things are not cheap !


Jim said...

Every year I get a motor insurance renewal quote from my insurer that is significantly higher than last time. I ignore it and then take out a new policy - at a lower rate - with the same company. They don't seem to realise I'm doing it and it works every time.
I don't have anything on auto-renewal - when it's time to renew the supplier will always let you know!

Nev Wells said...

Hi Jim, Hope you are well. I think the law says motor insurance has to auto renew now ? or did I dream that ?