Saturday 25 May 2024

Into the marina a long day !

It was a very hot day on the Sunday  - we should have made more progress the day before but hey ho... 13 locks in full sun reminded us we aren't getting any younger ! 

I started the day with a 50 minute blast of the genny to charge the Ecoflow back up to 75%  - the house batteries are about 5 years old now and showing that age, still serviceable just but will need replacing at some point in the next 12 months. This was fortuitous as the inverter that had worked very well the day before pulling 200w off the alternator and charging the Ecoflow on the move just wanted to throw overload errors even when there was nothing connected !! That'll have to go back bugger

Everything was going one way - down only two boats all day came up the flight meaning we had to turn (fill and empty) 11 of the 13 locks for the day. Due to the direction of travel there was no water in the bywashes on most of the locks I suspect C&RT had reduced the flow to account for the lack of use of the locks due to the stoppage at Tyrley  - judging by the few boats going that was a sound decision.

Once we were in the marina it was round two for me as I unloaded the Brompton from the fore cabin and set off back to Shebdon for the car. A lovely 18 mile ride somewhat spoilt by google trying to get me onto the tow path and finally succeeding at Knighton winding hole and the tow path from there to the Shebdon winding hole isn't great for a small wheeled bike. 

Regardless I was back at the boat for about 7.30pm a quick shower and food then bed after a bit of TV. 

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