Thursday 23 May 2024

The Audlem flight

 We set off with a fairly unambitious target of the first set of visitor moorings on the Audlem flight basically two locks to do leaving 13 for the following day  - turned out to be a questionable decision! 

Nothing in front or behind as we set off to the lovely 5 Adderley locks. they were quickly descended with our usual swapping of duties half way through.... we still see far too many ladies on the lock while the fella stands leisurely on the tiller. Half or more than half the fun is doing the locks and chatting to other boaters. 

Then more lovely sunshine cruising to the top of the Audlem flight and a noice chat with the cake lady and cakes brought. She actually opened the top gate for us so we went straight in. I did suggest she should have emptied the lock so we'd have been on the lock landing looking at her cakes for longer !!

We dropped two locks then moored up for the rest of the day. This was Saturday so we took a walk down to the Shroppie Fly and had food there which was nice  - basic and the service was a bit erratic but friendly. They got a double tip as I paid the bill at the bar and left a tip and Rachel left one on the table. 

Back on the boat I tried a bit of fishing but was interrupted a few times so ended up magnet fishing for our friends prized windlass she dropped mid channel on her way down the flight with my help ( need to blog about that) a week or two earlier. No luck but an enjoyable two hours all the same.

The bywashes we again very active and there was a procession of boats coming up the flight heading to Tyrley to beat the stoppage. 


Lisa said...

Rachel and the sunset looking fabulous.

Nev Wells said...

Thanks Lisa I’ll pass that on. Hope you are both well, is WAL still at Great Haywood. Good news re HS2 for the whole area including the Marina