Tuesday 14 April 2020

Viewing Percy from a distance

No we have not broken the rules and no one should for the health of all of us specially those true hero's (and I don't use that descriptor often) in the National Health Service.

Our lovely boaty neighbour has been keeping an eye on Percy for us as we are starting to miss our time aboard something fierce. I fitted the new starter battery some while back now, a month ago I think and I never even tried to start the engine !

In hindsight I am pleased I visited the boat to complete the rewiring which was to connect up the solar panel as on the first trip I did not have the right cable to make the alterations to the location of the fuse to the controller. The last visit was to check the cover for the panel which pleasingly fitted first time based on a lot of remote pondering of how it all might need to go.

I brought the cover back to the workshop to paint but I think I have used up all my red oxide that I am hoping was the colour used for the base when I remade that. Link here and it was over a year ago !!   

So today I've ordered a tin from Midland Chandlers to be delivered. I'd ordinarily have nipped over on my bike to get it but again - STAY PUT .....

Back to the blog title Mandy has sent us some pictures of Percy patiently waiting for our visit. We'll be out cruising soon I'm sure. My estimate is mid June .....

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