Sunday, 10 March 2019

A little workshop project

Some time ago someone posted on the FB friendly narrowboat forum asking what people miss who live aboard. I would (and did) miss a few things, but of course there are many positives for being afloat also. However I know I'd miss my workshop and its slowly getting decluttered from moving two homes into one.

That declutter has allowed me to use it for the new battery box project. I did not have my new battery install blog up for long before I superseded the post with the sad news of Paul Macey's death. So it may be not a lot know I am ready to complete the finishing touches and that is a new cover - read about he Victron and batteries here 

I set off to B&Q with an idea of how I'd build it but I could not get the materials at a price I  was happy with and there would be a lot of waste of expensive sheet material and wood. However I noted the 18mm ply was a size I could get all the pieces out I needed so I repaired to the B&Q cafe for food and a drawing that I eventually got the pice cut with plenty to spare.

So an enjoyable couple of hours drilling screwing sanding got me my new battery box cover....

It need to go to the boat for a test fit and a cruise   - I know I will need to add some cable runs then unscrew it all, redo it with glue and screws then paint it  - Bobs your mum's brother as they say !

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