Saturday 30 December 2023

Licence fees and 2024 costs

Short post to record the costs for  boating into next year. It was triggered by my licence renewal that followed my insurance renewal which both were before us trying to book a blacking slot. Our mooring fees are now paid monthly with no additional charge for the monthly payments  - thanks Emma. 

So out 2024 license fee is described as this ...

Further to the announcement made by the Trust on 2nd August 2022 regarding an interim price increase of 4% for all leisure and business licenses effective from 1st October 2022, please note that the annual price increase of 9% will also apply from 1st April 2023. We’re having to increase licence fees to secure the maintenance and repair programme required to help keep the waterways safe and navigable in the face of soaring inflation across the economy. The rapid growth in inflation has led to even greater increases in prices for energy, fuel and materials, leading to a projected shortfall in our finances. Unless measures are taken urgently to address the budget gap, works would be affected, and we would have to cancel some planned jobs and scale back non-essential maintenance’We will do all we can to support those who may be struggling with the nationwide cost of living crisis.
The amount that you will need to pay for your next licence depends on when and how we receive your correctly completed application. The lowest price available is when you pay in full before the start date using our website:

When and how you pay

Standard Renewal Price (including Surcharge*)Discounts/Charges applied

Amount you will pay

If you pay in full by card or direct debit before the start date of the licence using our website**

£1,258.52Online Prompt Payment (5%)


If you pay in full by card or direct debit before the start date of the licence but don’t use our website**

£1,258.52Prompt Payment (2.5%)


If you pay after the start date of the licence using our website***

£1,258.52Online (2.5%)


If you pay after the start date of the licence but don’t use our website***



Costs are therefore;

Licence  - £1,195

Insurance  - £242

Mooring  - £152.50 x 12  = £1830 ( C&RT get half of that )

Blacking  - £14 per foot  = £840 (maybe plus slipway another £260 if so )

Total a massive £4107 ( not including slipway or any repairs while the boat is out of the water ) 

As a reference re the mooring it would have been £889 a quarter at Great Haywood making it £3556 a year !! 

We (I) often ruminate over selling Percy as she does not get the use we have put her to in previous years. ironic really as we now have the best mooring and the most time  - well I have, it just seems life gets in the way. It really is true what they say when you retire you have less time to do all the things you did when working!!  

Hopefully we will have the blacking booked and that will springboard up to getting up the Macclesfield fully and onto the Peak Forest .... time will tell ! 

Tuesday 26 December 2023

December family big push

My eldest son and family have had a difficult time in trying to live post pandemic. The banks really stitched him up with arbitrary rule changes about loaning against property that abuts industrial estates. He has/had a lovely cottage with land and planning permission on the Erewash canal in Ilkeston that due to the changes noted above resulted in it being difficult to sell normally. It's really his story to tell but the result is they sold it and had a short window of moving opportunity. I was asked to help and hired a van and did some prep work on the new place  - very nice it is and they have done well in sorting it and getting in before Christmas. We are very proud of our two sons and their wives. 

It's been a long week with some 14 hour days and early starts late finishes and lots of weight being moved. Nearly all done and completed house sales in what is in my estimation record time. A good job.  

As I said their stories to tell but a couple of photos for posterity. 

To get up to date we had a nice siblings get together at the weekend before Chrsitmas. Good to met up and look back on life and forward also. 

All still smiling that's all that counts ! 

Only downside is we all seem to have succumbed to a cold virus doing the rounds. One of us brought it to the party ! Such viruses always flair up the fibromyalgia I am blessed with but its not too bad and there are many many people who suffer much much more so nothing for me to moan about.   


Saturday 23 December 2023

My latter year catch up

I was out on the tools some of them my old dads bricklaying tools that always make me feel he's sitting on my shoulder watching !!

When we had the oil boiler serviced the local plumber suggested more support for the oil tank. It was on my to do list but got brought forward. It's been as it was for a good year or two and was never  picked up before but for my peace of mind I set a small strip foundation to build up some high density blocks on. Not the prettiest but very functional and in the spring I intend boxing it in with trellis to also cloak my amateurish bricklaying where I removed the window that was part covered by the oil tank. 

Overall quite pleased with the work and outcome 

We have a sump pump I installed a while back to take ground water from the fields that rises near the garage foundations and in the past this water has penetrated the garage. the sump collects it now and the pump puts in into the drains - a simple but effective solution. However it was running excessively a few weeks ago and I tracked it back to a blocked inspection pit on the road outside out back gate. Luckily Severn Trent have this on their system as one of theirs to maintain as the cover got broken by a tractor pulling a 14 tons tank full of silage the other year.... they came out within 24 hours of me reporting it - well done Severn Trent.

More afternoon blood bike shifts also on the 28th November. Picked this BMW RS1250 from County Hospital in Stafford. Rode to Stoke for path lab stuff to go into Birmingham and also picked up a Heart tape from Birmingham Children's hospital that went to the open hand of a doctor back in Stoke Royal University hospital about 6.30 pm then back to Stafford then home - a long day.

Back to Callum's in Chinley to fill his central heating and pressure test our joints... a few weeps that were nipped up and we ran it for a few hours to check it all - so far so good. Just three more rads to add now his floor has been laid downstairs and when we install the bath and sink toilet etc in the bathroom two up there. 

It was Rachels works Christmas party same day but the weather forecast was for lots of snow so at the last minute we booked a room in the lovely hotel the party was being held at in Chesterfield. A good time was had by all and I got a restful evening in the room !

On our return the fires were lit at home including the big bugger that heats much of the house ! 

Mandy our good boaty friend sent us a picture of Percy waiting in the snow for us 

The cold brought an unforeseen problem in that my 11.6kw of house batteries were restricting their charge as they protect themselves in the cold. So a trip to B&Q in Derby while Rachel was at her choir got me the required insulation board a small greenhouse heater connected to a smart plug and some ply to make the install saveable for next year ! All works and the batteries are working away in their little hibernation space very efficiently. 

We were still getting out for walks essential for our health the Caldon canal is always picturesque in the cold especially with the steam trains running the Santa specials in the valley. 

Percy got a check visit early December. I tried to run the genny but I think it needs a tad more oil as it kept cutting out despite fresh fuel with stabiliser in it. My thinking is there is low oil pressure being detected?

We have half a plan to get on board over Christmas ....but family stuff might get in the way again. 

I have mentioned in the past about our batteries and solar. I am ever more aware of the need now not only to keep physically fit but also mentally fit. I challenged myself to get a Home assistant server running on a Raspberry PI to show all the inverter and solar detail. This included making a serial link to my home network.... I enjoyed the challenge and got it working. It is a bit of a rabbit hole project as I now want to add all the other smart home stuff Ivy Cottage is blessed with ! 

Its a good way to spend these darker winter months while stretching my metal capability. 

Thursday 21 December 2023

Mid October - Wales & more catching up

We love Wales  - Rachel grew up there so a family holiday at Red Wharf Bay was sorted for Rachel's family in a large ex pub. Good food good company good walks. It did start off with another long day that saw us over at Ilkeston with the grandkids, back to Derby to pick a sister and nephew up then a drive to Anglesey... arriving after 9pm.

We were there three days and apart from a long return journey where I dropped Rachel off at Ivy Cottage then drove another two hours to take said family back to their Derby flat all was good. 

Pictures work better than my words...

The following three pictures are where Rachel's dads ashes were spread overlooking his beloved Conwy valley. 

Sadly my mum is in a care home now ( since July )  and there has been a lot of hard work sadness and officialdom to transition her to that environment. I make every effort (when not full of germs from the grandkids) to visit and I always take her out. Making memories while she still remembers me 

Of course my Blood bike shift have taken a hit this year due to all the commitments mainly to family. But if I can I get on a shift. They are harder work in the winter as its much colder and a lot less daylight. The afternoon shifts mean returning in the dark and low temps but its a small price to pay to help random strangers out. 

More work at my lads in Chinley - central heating we were installing. Walks in the Valley which I will do more of in the New Year, bit of baking, furniture stripping and a leaking chimney stack to repoint in the spring ! I even made a wood trolly for my spare wood for the workshop as I need to clear it from its resting place in what will be the home office.

On the 10th November I met up with some good friends from all over the country to do a military museum visit over three days Cambridge way. Great to meet up with some friends I've not seen for years and some I saw last month. We struck lucky weather wise with a bit of rain on the way down but bright almost warm sunshine on the Saturday at Duxford. It was an eventful weekend with meeting porn stars ( not me) fights (not us) random women joining us who brought cheese ! Plus the odd bike battery failure ! 

At last we experienced a good service from a local company in Cheadle who came on time and were very respectful of our home and did a great job at a fair price. 

More time at number 2 sons house getting rads on and fireplace fitted

I even had time to get the broken genny given to me by a boaty neighbour up and running  - good for emergency use 

Not all hard work as I spent a day at Motorcycle live in Birmingham. Really to look at three bikes the two new Triumphs ( 400cc) and the new Himalayan ( 450cc) the latter I have pre ordered as my 411cc air cooled is a great bike  !! 

That gets me towards the end of November ..... one more to come for a complete diary catch up