Thursday, 21 March 2019

The force of nature

The saying goes March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb, and so it is with storms racing across the Atlantic to batter our shores.

Of course it is how it should be. I see the storms as the viruses (I had to check that was correct as I wanted to type Viri)

"The verdict is: “The English plural of virus is viruses, not viri.” Merriam-Webster agrees, as does TheFreeDictionary. Wiktionary offers the following usage notes: The plural is often believed to be viri or even virii, but neither is correct Latin and both are neologistic folk etymology.9 Oct 2010"

 Natures way of clearing the old to allow for the new growth.

Anyhow I digress,  was out on one of my favourite walks into the valley and along the canal. To do this I have to cross the river Churnet and normally it is a gentle meandering river of no great consequence. Yesterday 14th March it was swollen and angry and charging through the valley trying is hardest to unseat the brave saplings and more mature trees normally perched high above its watercourse.

When I was working on the boat earlier this week the slapping of waves onto the side of the hull made it feel like I was on the sea. 

Nature and weather in particular inspire me but also helps me reset my place in this universe.

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