Sunday 19 July 2020

In balance - well done C&RT

I hope you do not think I am a C&RT hater - quite the contrary, I think they have improved the image of the canal but I do think they do not  have the balance (priority)  right when it comes to what the canals were built for  - boats !

As an aside and some unsolicited support for C&RT I recently asked a C&RT employee (not a volunteer) who they preferred working for  - BW or C&RT, the reply was 'I took early retirement from BW now I work for C&RT" Says a lot.

Anyhow back to the title  - Remember my unconscious bias post here, click me I did not get a reply from the region despite them putting an email address in their communication. So I emailed the main office and to their credit I got this reply;

Hello Neville,

Thank you for your patience; I do hope you are well. 

Please view the following message from our content and marketing team - 'We’d like him to know that we’ve fully taken on board his point and we’re adding this to our style guide, which gives guidance to all our colleagues. This will also include giving alternatives to using the term “manned”. We’re also let the local team know about this too.'

I hope this is okay, please let me know if you have any further questions.

Best wishes,

It's a small detail but one that I hope will help remove such unconscious language in the future.....


Carol said...

Well done you for making a difference!

KevinTOO said...

Good to know they've taken your point 'on-board' 😉