Wednesday, 12 October 2022

Mission complete - for now

Not the best night in a noisy Chipping Norton, which was much busier and more active than I imagined.  I took breakfast - literally as I try and make a bacon sarnie to take away with me which I did surviving on toast and porridge - breakfast of champions. 

First stop was Clarkson's farm. I think he was coming down the road as I went in  - I was going to buy but I decided as the car park was just lots of big holes I'd nick the photo and leave him a bit poorer less my custom. I think he can stand it ! 

Then it was more ideal roads for the Himmy getting flatter and flatter as I went cross country. I stopped and had tea and my bacon sarnie at the American military cemetery in Cambridge.... always sobering and I came away once again so very thankful for the sacrifice of the men and women from America.

I've not ridden these roads before and I doubt I'll come this way again on a bike - the roads and the area has little to commend it often straight with little contour. 
I filled up with Petrol at Morrisons in Lowestoft then followed the sat nav through a smelly ( gas) industrial estate to Ness point - mission complete. At least they celebrate it with an interesting circle showing distances to some major cities of the world. They do not show St David's confirming my initial comment re Ardnamurchan Point being the most Western in the mainland of Britain. I'll be there in the spring. 

But for now I've done the Iron Butt four corners my way and what a nice way to do it over 15 days and two years all in rather than a barmy 48 hours ! (However during a few very long Suffolk straights I did get to thinking about a saddle sort 1000 in 24 hours !!)



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