Monday 14 October 2024

A bit of drama at the stop lock, Laches bridge to Turners Wheaton Aston

The early morning rain came earlier so it was dry when we woke at 7.45... I'd have quite happily stayed put as the east wind was bitter - see scary photo later. But we need to be back at at Shebdon Tuesday so I forced myself away from my book, the warm fire and hot coffee to lube up Percy and warm the donk up for quarter of an hour. I set off just after 10 am and immediately met two boats before the Anchor pub... the rest of the trip to Autherley junction was fine, even meeting a very speedy Black Price boat just before we went into the Pedleford narrows. 

It was a bitter easterly wind so the stovewas kept in for the day 

Looking ever more like a tramp  - but needs must the hat stayed on to the junction. Please feel free to scare your grandkids with the image. ! 

First pass under the M54 at 11.10 am  - we go down to the junstion and back up to go under it again 

Heading for the 'narrows'

At the junction we'd met so few boats we took a chance of not sounding the horn or sending one of us ahead, the turn was going well until we realised there was a boat just sitting engine off  just out of the lock. Reverse and wait  then a lady came out apologising saying they got stuck in the lock and also picked something up when eventually getting out after loosing the blacking. We pulled back to allow them time to come out with the tell tale clicking of something on the prop. The fella said he'd checked the weed hatch and found nothing. They moored up and headed for the boat year there, but not sure they got too much immediate help as I think they were turning the boats for Saturdays hirers. 

I got in by pushing hard on the gate to try and keep it open but it was as it was the last two times we've come this way -it needs clearing both ends to allow the gates to fully open - one I will report again to C&RT. I could not get the top gate open fully even worse than the bottom gate. I had to get the boat hook and root around in the gate recess feeling lots of 'crap' where the gate wanted to sit. I removed some enough with my weight on the gate to get Percy out. I reflected on the poor other boater as I cruised off and realised the noise was there on reverse so I presume there was something on the rudder or skeg being pulled onto the prop when in reverse. I was too far away then to offer that as an option but hopefully the yard would easily diagnose and remove the belt or wire causing the noise.

Back under the M54  - 1.05pm  so two hours I suspect it takes less than 5 minutes by car to cover both bridges

A bit out of sequence but Stretton boat yard was busy  - I wonder who ownes it now since  Keith Ball passed away 

Looking down onto the A5 

These two have been declining all the time I've cruised past 

Then I made lunch while Rachel cruised. Our Canal plan five hour target was Lapley bridge between Stretton aqueduct and Wheaton Aston. I wanted to clear the locks for the trip and get diesel so we motored on to Turners. We met some ex Hunts moorers as we descended the lock - the last of this trip, Carol I think it was  chatted as we went to Turners  - it was nice to meet them I'm sure they were at Hunts just before we left...

Lovely wooded section 

Self service and cheap 

Total litres for 84 hours cruising 

Must be the cheapest on the cut ? 

We got to Turners at 3.35 and he said 'do it now' as I'm closing soon  - it's a self service  so we got to it and filled up with 85.6 litres at a lovely 83.9p domestic ( propulsion attracts a 20% vat I think) As we're heading for winter I self declared 100% domestic for charging the batteries. We were away at 3.50 - almost a F1 pit stop. i brought a new centre line as our hemp one holds water and therefore dirt and it freying in the middle... it was with percy when we got her in 2012 so 12 years good service. Engine hours were on 1177. We last filled up at the start of this trip at Nantwitch with the engine counter on 1093 so 84 hours engine running used 85.6 litres so as close as needed to a litre and hour - very good for the 3 litre twin lump.

We'd got a bit ahead of schedule today so pulled in across from Turners and booked a table at the Hartley arms - we've tried to eat here a few times and they've always been full so lets see what we've been missing. 

A good days cruising - but Rachels just told me there is water in the catch tray where the water pump lives so that a pre pub job !! Might have to investigate an alarm in there  - I think Brian on NB Harnser put one on his boat recently

Tomorrow all being well back to Shebdon.

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