Saturday 12 October 2024

The weather again, but Weston to above Park Gate lock

We have my beloved M6 for company tonight ( I ride the blood bikes in and out of Birmingham from Stoke... I always think of the canal when it goes over the canal just before Penkridge.) The lovely days of sunshine forecast I posted a few days ago were a bit of a joke as the rain woke me early this morning and I'm a heavy sleeper. It continued to rain until gone 11, as we'd stopped short of yesterdays destination Canal plan said 6 hours to where we are now so I didn't want to leave departure too late. So I donned waterproofs and headed out and within 5 minutes it had stopped, I'll take that. 

Rain, then sunshine then winds then wind and rain then sunshine - good Uk autumnal weather 

As I was untying the ropes the boat started moving giving indication we had a boat approaching and sure enough one came around the bend so I held knowing they'd have Weston Lock, just good canal etiquette. I helped them through and turned the lock.

At Hoo Mill lock we met Lurcher the trip boat from Great Haywood doing their Saturday £25 a head fish and chip trip... not bad value given the price of fish and chips today !  Incidentally Lurcher used to run trips from Froghall basin in fact last seen there when I was coming out of the basin with two friends in 2017 on my retirement cruise. 

Lurcher on her way loaded with people munching fish and chips ! 

Just spotted a boat approaching Hoo Mill so we left it ready for them 

Then a gentle cruise round to Great Haywood, spotting Chugabug the Youtuber on the waterpoint, Garry the skipper looked quite pensive and a little sad, I hope all is ok.  

Tixall wide was full of boats but that was not our destination. The canal from the Sow aqueduct to almost Radford road bridge is really slow, shallow and very narrow as C&RT have not dealt with the reeds coming across the canal  - it was not a nice cruise and with lots of leaves off the trees quite a few reverses to clear the week hatch as all boater know how much they can slow a boat.

Looking back at the junction, a clean turn was made but this one os an easy one to turn into  - Rachel checked ahead to ensure no boats coming 

Lovely cruising towards the Sow aqueduct 

Leaving Tixall lock 

Over the Sow 

Then it all closed in !!

The clouds giving their intention to gather and wet us 

Approaching Deptmore lock a couple came out of the boat club and immediately held for us which was nice especially as the lock was empty so they had to turn it after us. Bit of positive payback from the start of our day.

Above the lock through Acton Trussell the heavens opened and the wind was getting up from the west. Umbrella up and on we went.  

I always think of my lads at Shut Hill lock as we had a lovely night fishing below it on our share boat Sylph many years ago. Also I think of Bruce and Shelia as this was the last time I saw them as we left the lock and they approached it. We were off to get blacked at Norbury and they were coming back from being blacked at the same place. 

The sun saw us to tonights mooring 

The two locks done and pleasingly a space above Park Gate lock for the night  - it also seems the old Midland Chandlers place has an open chandlery in it now, if they are open in the morning I may pop in ! 

A good challenging 6 hour cruise, hopefully the rest of the three days will be five hours and after tomorrow very few locks, of course all being well !

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