Tuesday 8 October 2024

Bollington to below the Bosley flight

We had a plan A and a plan B today, weather and enthusiasm dependant. We opted for plan B, the bottom of the Bosley flight giving us a lighter day tomorrow as we've  a long day on Thursday !

We set off just after 9am from our overnight mooring looking back at Clarence mill  - I wanted some northern lights pictures last night but didn't stay up late enough sadly. Just stars and light of late labour possibly..

There was a eerie quietness to the cafe boat today compared to Saturday !  

Then off through Macclesfield and to the manual swing bridge (Nev) operated and the Fools Nook bridge (Rachel) sorted

Just after the Fools Nook bridge as we call in, it is in fact the Royal Oak swing bridge, we passed Dory sounding their Bolinder engine - lovely.

We stopped for water and lunch at the water tap at Bosley before bridge 53 and there was a slow procession of 'morning boats' coming up. We waited for one to pass and set off to the top lock, emptying the cassette and depositing rubbish before descending with the help of theVolunteer and another bater coming up. We set off at 1.45pm and came out of the bottom lock at 2.30 - one and three quarter hours for 12 locks, we only had to turn 8 and 12 that we were advised by a local are always empty.

The 4pm rain arrived at 2.45pm so the last 6 locks were in the rain  but not so bad. I did 9 Rachel 3.  The locks have a few what we call 'pisser's' when the chamber empties water pours out of the sides onto and if unlucky into the boat. All windows and doors were closed. The pound between 11 and 12 was full so much it was over pouring the lock gates as we descended. It took us three hours to go up last week and and hour and three quarters to come down today...

The rain on its way !

Rain gone sun out as we leave the last lock !

Tomorrow back towards the junction after another stop in Congleton for supplies. We need an early start on Thursday bit let's not get ahead of ourselves. !!! 

We could have had a mooring on the aqueduct but chose to motor on around to between bridges 58 and 59 with a lovely view of the Bosley Cloud again.  

Small reward 

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