Reports of my early demise are greatly exaggerated as was one said and attributed to Mark Twain I think.
Where was I - yes I was giving a review of my 2024 and waiting until December was over and done with. Bottom line I've been on and off with viruses since Christmas eve - Did a blood bike shift on Christmas eve feeling less than perfect then went down with Noro virus on Christmas day for about 5 days. Missed first Christmas at youngest sons house and his lads first Christmas, then same on Boxing day at my other sons house. Since then its been three upper respiratory tract viruses not a great start to 2025.
We have been out and about in between and visited the boat I think once or twice, I need to check my photos. Even this weekend visit was supposed to have been last week, then earlier this week and we eventually got here Friday afternoon as Rachel was poorly - I think I passed on the virus.
So this is a little update to record me fitting another inverter after the eco flow killed the last two.... ! We also wanted to get here early to light the fire as on one of the visits I cleaned the chimney and blacked the stove.
We've been for a walk to the Anchor that was closed, it's open 7-11 Friday, 7-11 Saturday and 12-4 Sunday. Then watched the Rugby - both still recovering so we are not overdoing it. Now I'm back on the horse I need to catch up on a few memories for my blog
Should say Percy waited patiently and the nervous first fill and pump prime went ok. We've had some really cold frosty days since Christmas and the canal has been frozen over for a few days earlier in the year.
So a lazyish visit, we've plans but we've also got work to do at home and on the boat so we shall see.
Lovely day, the ecoflow was at 100% by 12.30 after us running t down to 5% yesterday on the fridge at full bore and the vacuum cleaner having a good run. The boat batteries were full by 11.30 thanks to the new bigger solar panel fitted last year.
Hopefully a few catch up posts in the coming weeks.