Friday, 12 December 2014

They came through ....bloggers and friends in one

Fellow bloggers. Totally remiss of me not to have posted while I enjoyed the hospitality. Being on board part of the time now I do get to intercept the bloggers I know as they come through.

It started mid summer when John and Louise brought Ploddin'Along through Fradley....

I got an invite for drinks and a show around what is a really well spec'd and comfortable boat. I am sure it will get many lock miles under its baseplate in the coming years.

Next invite was from the 'A' listers on the cut, Doug & James from NB Chance. I was welcomed aboard as if a long standing friend, the red wine was top class as was the boat and company.

The next invite was for a curry in Alrewas with Halfie and Jan from NB Jubilee while they were out as part of their first decent retirement cruise, as I recall I think Jan had technically retired either that day or that week. Anyhow we had a great chat over food and back on the boat.

After Rachel departed one Sunday for her long drive south I went looking for more long term live-a-board bloggers, Lesley and Joe of NB Yarwood They had just had a new Refleks stove fitted and I was interested in the install and the performance. We had a really good chat and I walked with them through to Common lock after watering at Fradley. Fletcher and Floyd put up with Leia while we talked ......

Our most recent visit was to Geoff and Mags from NB Seyella We hailed Geoff as we were walking to Woodend lock last Sunday and he kindly invited us in for tea on our way back (plus home made cookies !) Look at the symmetry of those logs on the roof... you can spot a long termer by his logs !!

We were alarmed to read that Mags had been in the cut at Colwich seems apart from some bruising she is ok, now that is a tough lady.

So if you are passing invite the cuckoo aboard.... ;-) Or if the lights are on and the smoke is being made breast up below Hunts lock and demand Tea !!

It has been good meeting you all and you have helped me settle into what can be a challenging and sometime lonely existence. I will look out for you when the ropes eventually are untied and Percy starts his system voyage.


Andy Tidy said...

Guess who installed Yarwood's old stove in his boat today!

Nev Wells said...

.... we have been waiting for the second instalment. Are you sharing photos anytime soon, and did you ever consider a diesel stove?

Halfie said...

If the Chancers are A-listers, what does that make the rest of us?

Nev Wells said...

John, with the greatest respect to Doug and James - Normal would be my description. They live a real 'on the go' life, full pelt all the time it would seem. All of you I have met have been top class people, so please do not be offended.

Halfie said...

No offence taken! I agree - Doug and James certainly live life to the full.