Monday, 15 June 2015

Of little interest...

.... but for my diary blog. Cancelled trip on the bike to Germany due to health issues (not mine) so we have other stuff now to do that has jumped up the priority list.

We went to London Town yesterday as it was Emma's birthday, she is the long suffering other half to our youngest son Callum. We ended up here and here.

Yep we took the Thames 'commuter' boat from Embankment to Greenwich.... nice and slow to start then they announce we are going top pick up speed and they sure do !

All very poor pics (the first was the Harrier in the Imperial war museum.) only did half of one floor as we got there late.

Today was a lazy day getting ready for the big pack and garden for the cottage move. Later this week we will be on Percy taking advantage of the extra time to pop out the windows ( hopefully) to router back the trim so the new windows fit after the paint job in July/August.

Paint colours have just about been agreed on and so has the sign writing. Just need to get Percy down to the painters in late June then get on with the house stuff while the boat is away.

Onwards and upwards as they say !


Halfie said...

So I guess you won't be in as we pass Hunts Lock tomorrow.

Nev Wells said...

Hi John,

Sadly we will miss you as we will not be aboard before Thurs/Friday. Where is the next destination?
