I visited Percy yesterday ( 18th July) for a check while the builders were still toiling away. One thing that has become apparent is the slow droop of Percy's back fenders.
They are still doing their main job, just - protecting the rudder. As you can see there is just a need for three with a compress with just two resulting in exposure of the tender rudder !
When I put them on they sat up, it seems the middle fender had worked over the bottom one resulting in the droop. When Joe who made them passed them to me he said give 'em a soak in creosote which I did and they have been protected since.
So I set to and removed them and gave them another brushing of creosote and left them to dry off in the sun as I did not want any to leech into the canal.
Spring forward a few days and another visit to put them back on and how much finer a display of fender erection could you wish for !!
The front fender was treated as well
... and the important weakness introduced to the chain should the fender ever get stuck going up/down
The fenders will be off again in September for the blacking to take place .... not looking forward to that !