Friday 11 October 2024

Went to the pub... so Stone to Weston

I was up late last night photoing the Northern Lights or Midland lights as there were. Sad thing was where we moored they were over the new housing estate below Meaford lock. It was quite sad to see people sitting in front of great big Tv's while nature was putting on such a great show, their loss.

Slowish start then this morning and our 9.30 departure was 10.15. It was cold overnight so we'd kept the stove in. Ice on the boat and mist on the canal.

We met boats coming up all four Stone locks. Roger Fuller is launching a butty the traditional side ways way tomorrow and there was a couple of old working boats up by his yard and we passed three more on their way. Their crews never seem 'happy' the crew we passed I'll save the boat name on one lock could hardly look at us   - maybe it is a Tony Redshaw thing,  Roger Fuller waved as we passed. I'd like to see the launch but our progress is constrained by hospital appointments. 

One of the old boats waiting for the services lock 

We had our first lock queue at Star lock of the trip so far. The bottom gate paddles on the lock by Stone boats were ridiculously stiff,  it took all my strength to open them very very slowly ! We stopped on the free water point below Star lock and Rachel went off to find a post office while I filled up, soon another boat arrived then another so I didn't dribble in rather shut off and by then Rachel had returned but not food shopped so we motored past the winding hole moored up and went looking for pub grub. We decided someone else could cook and wash up so tried the Star but no chef today. Not a lot open so we went to the Joules pub where I've been before and were warmly welcomed and had two small meals beer and wine all very nice.

It was gone 2pm by the time we had got back to the boat so we motored on meeting more boats than we've seen in a while, its a popular stretch for sure. Our target was Ingestre where there are two nice mooring  but if they were taken we'd have to motor on. It was dropping cold so we pulled in just past the pub bridge in Weston, only one other boat here.

Salt bridge

There is a rear snag at the lower Stone watering point took two scoops out of out blacking before I put measures on place 

Our  overnight stops have therefore changes a bit but still about 5 hours a day for the next four days all being well.

Swept the roof and vacuumed inside and now tea not beer while blogging.  

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