Saturday, 6 June 2020

A peevish post

Good word peevish. One that was used a lot in my childhood. Growing up with four sisters there was at times a lot of peevish behaviour in our 2 up 2 down terraced house.

Following on from my last negative post (the next one will be more positive has to be ) I got to thinking what a great opportunity it is for local councils to send out their officers to check the number of marina berths that have residency which do not have 'residential berth' status. I know Mercia has a few residential berths that pay council tax and can be used as a full time residency but there must be thousands of marinas and on line moorings that are occupied by full time live-a-boards that do not carry residential status.

Certainly when I lived aboard for two years at Fradley I was 'breaking the rules' C&RT did not seem to care otherwise they would be checking more. I guess so long as you give them a mail address for correspondence they consider this your main residence. Easy to get around using friends or family addresses.

Like I said a peevish post really, but it did get me wondering what proportion of marinas and on line moorings are 100% residential.

PS don't worry if you are in the above camp and reading this - I'm not going to start a campaign or dob you in !

1 comment:

Carol said...

I too have often wondered about this and having tried to understand the difference CRT's 'longterm', 'permanent' and 'residential' mooring policy, I'm still no clearer except of course I know that 'residential' should have council planning permission, and a post code the delivery of post..