Sunday 5 January 2020

Why I don’t roll down hills .....

.... it’s because of dog shit. What am I on’s really a simple metaphor of the restrictions  I constantly fight in my life. Rolling down a hill is just such a great thing to do, all kids do it. They do it because there is no fear of ‘what might happen ( roll in dog shit)’ they just do it because it’s fun.

So 2020 has to be the year of rolling down hills and maybe there will be dog shit but maybe it’s better to risk the dog  💩 rather than miss out on the hill rolling.

Now why on earth am I posting this drivel.... I follow a vlogger called Casey Neistat, a YouTube 11.5 million subscriber superstar. He’s not up himself so much and that is why I think he has such a following. But he just hit ( IMHO) the pinnacle of insightful vlogs...

Click here and watch it should if nothing else give you some pause for though.

That’s it, I’m off to find a hill - sod the 💩

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